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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Fern Fronds

Mental health crisis respite home provides a safe place to rest, relax, and recuperate

A new five bed mental health crisis respite home run by Pact opened in Dunedin in September 2022 significantly increasing the city’s capacity for emergency respite care. Dunedin has historically had a one-bed unit available, and the five new beds addresses a long-standing need for more emergency respite care.

About the service

A team of clinical staff and trained mental health support workers from Pact provide 24/7, respite care and community support to tāngata whaiora (those seeking wellbeing) experiencing acute mental distress.

Accessing the service

Tāngata whaiora don’t have to have a mental health diagnosis to stay at the respite home but a referral is needed from the Emergency Psychiatric Services (EPS), or a Community Mental Health Team (usually via a team in Dunedin), as well as GPs.  Well South, Te Whatu Ora and Pact have been refining the referral pathway for GPs.

Comfortable, homely and spacious home

The home is comfortable, homely and spacious with a lovely garden. Tāngata whaiora can see their whānau on site, but can also leave the site if they wish. We are here to support them and provide a safe haven in a restful environment.

Support available

Pact staff are on site 24/7 and work closely with community mental health teams and EPS to ensure tāngata whaiora receive the support they need. This may include support navigating to other services they may need help with such as budget advice, employment or Te Hiranga Tangata.

An alternative to hospital admission

For tāngata whaiora experiencing acute mental distress, the service provides a safe, supportive and homely environment when clinical assessment indicates an admission to hospital is not required.
