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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Help to stop smoking

Stop smoking services - Why should I use a stop smoking service?

Stop smoking

Stopping smoking can be really difficult to do on your own.  This is because cigarettes contain nicotine and around 4,000 toxic chemicals.  People continue to smoke because they become dependent on, or addicted to, nicotine.

Nicotine is present in the leaves of tobacco plants.  When tobacco is smoked the nicotine is carried down into the lungs, then into the blood and then the heart.   The nicotine then travels to the brain and around to the rest of the body.  This process happens very quickly.

Nicotine, like other drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines, acts on a particular part of the brain called the reward centre.  With the continued use of nicotine or drugs over time, the brain actually changes and comes to rely on these substances. 

Research tells us that by working with a stop smoking service you will be much more likely to stop than if you try it by yourself.  Stop smoking services are  flexible and will provide you with support as long as you need it.  And they are FREE!

Southern Stop Smoking Service




The Southern Stop Smoking Service offers FREE face-to-face support to stop smoking with coaches operating across Otago and Southland.  They provide free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, lozenges) to support people on their journey to becoming smokefree.  Referrals can be made the following ways:

What can I expect from the Southern Stop Smoking Service?

All the coaches are trained stop smoking practitioners and will offer you structured support on preparing to stop, stopping and staying smokefree.  The coaches can also talk to you about medicines available to support you to stop smoking.  These include free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (patches, gum, lozenge) or those available on prescription.

Your smokefree future

In your final meetings with your coach you will be able to look to a smokefree future and what supports are available if needed. When you successfully stop smoking you will join the 93% of people in New Zealand who do not smoke!


Quitline is New Zealand's national stop smoking service and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help people become smokefree. Quitline offers free support online, by phone and text.

People can access support by:

While in hospital

Your doctor, nurse and other health professionals will ask you about whether you smoke or not.  If you do smoke they can arrange Nicotine Replacement Therapy for you during your hospital stay.  They can also arrange an appointment with the local stop smoking coach when you are back home.

Visiting your medical centre

Your GP or Practice Nurse will ask you about whether you smoke or not.  If you do smoke they can arrange Nicotine Replacement Therapy for you and arrange an appointment with the local stop smoking coach.