Dental Emergencies
Dental Emergencies
Broken Tooth
Rinse the mouth with warm water.
- If swelling occurs, place a cloth covered cold pack over the area.
- Call and make an appointment with a dentist as soon as possible
- Take the broken fragment of tooth to the dentist.
Knocked Out Permanent (Adult) Tooth
- Rinse the tooth gently, do not hold the tooth roots.
- If possible, gently place the tooth back in the socket. Bite down on a soft cloth to hold the tooth in place.
- Store the tooth in milk or water, if it can't be kept in the socket.
- Go to the dentist immediately.
Knocked out baby tooth
- Call and make an appointment to see a dentist or dental/oral health therapist immediately.
- Do not put the tooth back into the tooth socket, this may damage the adult tooth under it.