2607 Results
Southern DHB Annual Report 2018/19
PublicationSouthern DHB annual report opportunity to reflect on Commissioner’s term: Kathy Grant
Southern DHB’s Annual Report: Quality and Performance Account 2018/19 was a chance to reflect on a longer journey, say former Commissioner Kathy Grant and Chief Executive Chris Fleming.PublicationSouthern DHB launch integrated service for COPD patients
A new electronic standardised discharge process for patients admitted to Dunedin hospital with acute Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) means patients have more integrated care between hospital and general practice, rehabilitation and communitPublicationNew Southern health system website under development!
The Southern DHB website is being upgraded!PublicationSouthern residents encouraged to ‘Let nature in’ during Mental Health Awareness Week
‘Let nature in, strengthen your wellbeing – Mā te taiao, kia whakapakari tōu oranga’ is the theme for this year's Mental Health Awareness Week from 8 to 14 October - a challenge to Southern residents to get out and enjoy the fabulous environmenPublicationQ and A with Dr John Adams
Dr John Adams is the new Chair of the Clinical Leadership Group – the senior clinical staff guiding the clinical direction of the New Dunedin Hospital.PublicationNew faces at helm of CLG
The group of health professionals guiding the clinical direction of the New Dunedin Hospital has two new faces at the helm.PublicationHealth Roundtable Innovation Award recognises Southern’s primary community programmes
Southern DHB announces winners of the 2018 Southern Innovation Challenge
Southern DHB announces winners of the 2018 Southern Innovation ChallengePublicationSpeech therapists left speechless for awareness week
Southern DHB Speech and Language Therapists are challenging themselves to walk in the shoes of some of their clients this week, giving up the use of their voices or the taste of their favourite foods in an effort to raise awareness of communicatPublicationWorking together to prevent suicide
Southern DHB and WellSouth, primary health network, are supporting the message of hope that marks World Suicide Prevention Day 2018, this Monday 10 September.PublicationCervical Screening Awareness Month: Good friends and whānau save lives
PublicationSouthern residents in spotlight to help save lives
PublicationSouthern DHB celebrates national poetry day with meal tray poems
PublicationNational Bowel Screening Programme already making a difference to Southern residents
PublicationCountdown Kids Hospital Appeal launch at Dunedin Hospital
Southern DHB Integrated Primary Maternity System of Care sees emphasis on sustainable LMC workforce
Southern DHB has released its final plan for its Integrated Primary Maternity System of Care with a strong emphasis on greater sustainability of the LMC midwifery workforce, as it seeks to provide greater support for women and their families across thePublicationCountdown Kids Hospital Appeal launch at Southland Hospital
Health Care Home practices gather in Queenstown
Friday, 3 August 2018 Collegiality and a willingness to learn from each other were themes as the Southern DHB’s first Health Care Home practices gathered in Queenstown.PublicationSouthern DHB proudly supports breastfeeding at work
Southern DHB Board
Information about the Southern DHB BoardPage2019 Southern DHB Election: Electoral Expense and Donations Declarations - Otago
Electoral Expenses Donations & Expense Declarations OtagoPublication2019 Southern DHB Election: Electoral Expense and Donations Declarations - Southland
Electoral Expenses Donations & Expense Declarations SouthlandPublicationValuing Patients' Time Newsletter Dec 2019
PublicationNew refugee interpreter service to start soon
Former refugees living in Dunedin will soon be able to use a new interpreter service to help them access community services.PublicationDr Aisha Paulose new clinical advisor to WellSouth
Dr Aisha Paulose new clinical advisor to WellSouth WellSouth is strengthening its clinical team with the appointment of Winton GP, Dr Aisha Paulose, to a new clinical advisor role.PublicationWanaka GP joins board of WellSouth, primary health network
Wanaka GP joins board of WellSouth, primary health networkPublicationThe Plan … a new initiative to help parents to delay teen drinking
The Plan … a new initiative to help parents to delay teen drinkingPublicationSouthern Health Future Podcast
This month: People, Culture and Technology with Mike CollinsPublicationSnow day
PageVacancies and how to apply
We are thrilled that you are considering applying to join our team here at Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern. We have outlined the steps in our general recruitment process and included some tips so you are prepared for what’s to come.PageTop Tips For Good Oral Health
In this section you will find useful oral health information and tips to help you look after your teeth.Page