Stakeholders gave a very strong message through the Te Hurihanga - Time for Change review that they wanted to be able to access peer support.
A new model of care
Led by the Time for Change – Te Hurihanga Pūkenga Kaupapa, a model of care for peer support services has been produced through a co-design process involving people with lived experience and our community.
A model of care is a way of describing what types of services we need, and how they should work.
The model of care was based on feedback from eleven workshops, written submissions, background papers and a literature review. Each workshop was co-facilitated by a facilitator with lived experience and a Māori facilitator with cultural expertise.
The model of care can be read here.
New peer-support services in Dunedin and Invercargill
Providers have been selected to run peer-support services in Dunedin and Invercargill.
Life Matters are providing the service in Dunedin. Read more in the media release here.
Mind and Body will be providing the service in Invercargill. Read more in the media release here.
These services will be based on the new model of care for peer–support services and will significantly increase peer support available in the Southern district.
Hub to support people working in the Southern Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) sector.
The creation of a hub to support the CPSLE workforce is one of the key actions in the the Southern Consumer, Peer Support and Lived Experience (CPSLE) Workforce Development Action Plan 2023 – 2025
A lived experience-led workforce development hub to support and mentor our growing consumer, peer support and lived experience workforce (CPSLE) across the Southern district started in May 2024.
The Provider of the hub, Carron is a well-established lived experience leader in the sector with a passion for sharing ideas and learning from others and will be developing the hub over the next few months.
The hub will connect CPSLE workers and volunteers across both peer and mainstream organisations in the Southern district to share information and will provide regular development opportunities. It’s about supporting and mentoring the CPSLE workforce across the district rather than providing foundational training.
Read more in the media release here.