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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Te Whatu Ora hospitals FAQs

Measles: Locations of Interest in New Zealand

Get the latest information about locations where you may be at risk, and how to protect yourself.

COVID 19 Southern Updates

COVID-19 Southern Updates

Do you need help?

In an urgent medical emergency,
call 111

Do you have questions or need medical advice? To talk to registered nurses at Healthline,
call 0800 611 116

In a mental health emergency,
call 0800 46 78 46

Need to talk? To connect with a professional counsellor for free,
call or text 1737


If you think your child has been poisoned,
call 0800 764 766

In the case of sexual harm,
call 0800 044 334