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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Korero Mai

Kōrero Mai - Patient Service

Kōrero Mai Whānau Escalation Process

Kōrero Mai is an escalation pathway for family/whānau to be heard when they raise concerns about their loved one’s health condition.

Health New Zealand Southern has a new whānau escalation process available at its hospitals in Dunedin and Invercargill, that gives friends and whānau a pathway to follow if they are worried that their loved is getting more unwell while they are in hospital. 

Patients and their family members can follow this three-step process to directly raise concerns with our staff:

Korero Mai - Talk to me poster outlining the three steps process that can be used to directly raise concerns with our staff. 

Kōrero mai - Talk to me

Kōrero mai process:

Step 1: If you are concerned that you or your family member is getting worse or not improving as expected, talk to the nurse about your concerns.

Step 2: If you are still worried that we haven’t addressed your concerns and you or your family member has not improved, go to the ward reception desk and talk to the nurse in charge of the shift.

Step 3: If you have followed Step 1 and Step 2 and you are still concerned, phone our Patient At Risk Team and ask for a Kōrero mai independent review

We know that you know your whānau best If you’re concerned that you or your family member is getting more unwell while in hospital - we want you to raise these concerns with us.

Our Patient At Risk Teams are made up of Clinical Nurse Specialists who are specially trained in identifying and caring for very unwell patients.  

There is one Patient At Risk Nurse on every shift at our hospitals in Dunedin and Invercargill.  

Our hospitals have Kōrero Mai posters and brochures available in wards and public-facing areas so you can learn more about the service. 

 Email use to provide feedback on the Korero Mai service