Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern Feedback
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Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern is committed to providing quality health care services to the community we serve.
We believe there is always room to improve and that’s why we welcome your feedback about your experience (good and bad), so we can learn from it and continually improve.
Feedback brochures are available in all wards and departments or email
You can also fill out the Online Feedback Form at the bottom of the page.
If you are unable to email your feedback, you can write to us at the address below or print the post-paid Feedback Brochure and fill it out.
Our contact details
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern
Consumer Experience Feedback Team
Private Bag 1921
Dunedin 9054
Phone: 0800 683 006
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern
Consumer Experience Feedback Team
P O Box 828
Invercargill 9840
Phone: 0800 683 006
Suggestions and Compliments
If you have a suggestion, we would like to hear what you have to say. Suggestions also provide opportunities for improving how we care for future patients.
We appreciate hearing when members of our team have exceeded your expectations. If you want to compliment a member of the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern Team please let us know.
We work hard to deliver the highest standard of service and the highest standard of care but sometimes things can go wrong. If this happens, we want to put things right as quickly as possible and learn from the experience to make sure the same thing doesn't happen again. That is why we encourage you to tell us about your experience.
The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights states that consumers have the right to complain.
If you have a concern or complaint about the care that you have received it is best to try to sort it out straight away. You can do this by firstly speaking to those providing your care (for example the Charge Nurse on the ward or the clinic nurse if you are an outpatient). They should listen to your concerns and do their best to address the issue, or they can advise you how to report your concerns.
If you do not feel comfortable talking to the people providing your care or you aren’t satisfied with their response you should contact the Consumer Experience Feedback Team.
How to complain
Please contact us with your concern or complaint as soon as possible as this will make it easier for everyone to remember what happened.
When you contact us please give as much information as you can, including your name, your NHI number (if you know it), and your contact details – address, phone number and email. Please tell us the details: What happened; who was involved; when and where it occurred; how this made you feel; and the outcome you are seeking.
If you would like assistance with this, you can contact the Health and Disability Advocacy Service for free independent advice and support on 0800 555 050.
While complaints can certainly be made by a third party (relative, parent or friend) on another’s behalf, we may require that person’s consent before we investigate and provide you with a response. Please provide contact details and we will contact you if consent is required.
What you can expect from the process
We will send you a letter or email to acknowledge receipt of your complaint or concern within five working days. We will do our best to give you a full reply as quickly as possible, usually within one month. If we think it will take longer, we will let you know.
Your complaint is not kept within your medical notes and does not in any way affect your future care.
What to do if you are not happy
After your consideration, should you still not be satisfied with our response to your complaint, you have the right to have the issues reconsidered by advising, in writing, the Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Southern Consumer Experience Feedback Team.
Or you may make a formal complaint to the Health and Disability Commissioner on 0800 112233 or complete the online form on the Health and Disability Commissioner’s website.
Online Feedback Form