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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Central Lakes Locality Network

As part of the Primary and Community Care Strategy and Action Plan, Locality Networks (LN) are being established across the Southern region to help ensure services align with local population health needs. The Central Lakes Locality Network is the first to be established in the district, focusing on the changing health needs of these communities.

Locality Networks are advisory networks made up of health professionals and consumers. They help prioritise and plan health services so they meet the needs of local communities and are well-integrated with the broader health system. 

Our first Locality Network has been established in the Central Lakes area. Other LNs will be established based on the learnings and experience of the Central Lakes model.

Localities are defined by loose geographic borders and their scope and mandate will vary according to the area they are working in.   

Map showing our locality networks

About the Central Lakes Locality Network

Helen Telford

Central Lakes Locality Network Chair Helen Telford

Central Lakes Locality Network is a skill-based committee of clinicians and community members that represent the Central Lakes community interests to Alliance South (Te Whatu Ora Southern and Wellsouth Primary Health Organisation).

Our vision is for health services that are oriented to local communities; alongside Health Care Homes (general practice led) and Community Health Hubs (integrated services).

Since August 2019, CLLN has been partnering with QLDC, rural hospitals, public and private health providers to understand the issues for community and health services specific to Central Lakes; such as access to unplanned and emergency care; location of primary maternity facilities; and future planning for health services.

In 2020 this work was paused to focus on the impact of COVID-19 response on the Central Lakes health services and community, and the lessons from this experience are being considered in terms of its impacts on health and well-being. 

If you have a perspective to share on health services in Central Lakes, please contact