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    At Workbridge, we link the right people to the right jobs.
    That's a win-win for everyone.

    Workbridge is a specialist employment service that works with disabled people and people with health issues including mental illness and addiction. We are about recognising and strengthening ability rather than focusing on disability. This means the people we promote for a vacancy will have the necessary skills and attitudes for the job.

    We work at no cost for jobseekers and employers to match people to the right job.

    Workbridge is the largest New Zealand-owned employment agency for disabled people and people with health issues. We are the specialists when it comes to working with disabled jobseekers, employers and workplaces. We started out in 1990 and now have 22 locations across New Zealand.

    Workbridge has a governance and senior management structure led by disabled people. This includes a Council, Board and Senior Management Team. Our National Office is based in Wellington. Contact details for our National Office, 22 service centres and the Support Fund Services Unit can be found on the website

    Workbridge is an incorporated society and a not-for-profit organisation.

    Workbridge's Vision, Mission and Values

    Our Vision
    Every person with a disability has the same value as any other person and will contribute positively in the workplace.

    Our Mission
    To enable people with disabilities to participate and experience equal opportunities in the labour market.

    Our Values

    • Honesty and integrity
    • Professionalism
    • Respect
    • Privacy and dignity
    • Understanding cultural diversity
    • Opportunity for all
    • Commitment
    • Collaboration

    Our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi
    Workbridge honours its obligations under the Treaty of Waitangi. The principles of the Treaty of Waitangi - partnership, protection and participation - are reflected in the work of our organisation.

    Services Provided

    Information, education & support
    Provision of information, guidance, advice, and resources.
    Injury support services
    Support with advice and assistance for the day-to-day management of your injury and regaining independence.

    Age groups

    • Adult / Pakeke

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us