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Work and Income

On this page

    Work and Income is a service of the Ministry of Social Development. We’re here to help people get the financial assistance they’re entitled to. We have offices and contact centres across New Zealand.

    The services we offer include: 

    Helping people into work

    • Workshops and practical advice for getting work.
    • Training, seminars or work experience to build up confidence and skills.
    • Grants and subsidies to encourage employers to provide work.
    • Income support to help people get into, and stay in, work.
    • Practical support for people with the right experience to start a business.

    Supporting employers

    One of the ways we help people find work is to support employers who provide work for our clients. If you’re an employer our services include:

    • your own Work Broker to help you find the right people
    • training and seminars to help our clients get up to speed quickly
    • wage subsidies to help with the costs of providing work.

    Providing income support

    • Benefits for people unable to support themselves.
    • Allowances for people on low-to-middle incomes.
    • Superannuation for people who are aged 65 years or more.
    • Pensions for ex-service people.

    There is also a Community Services Card to help with medical costs – and other payments to help out if you have an immediate need for an essential item or service.


    Services Provided

    Education and training
    Provision of education and/or training courses to the community.

    Service types

    • Life skills
    Employment support
    Employment support services help you prepare for work and/or find job opportunities. This may include help writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview preparation.
    Social work
    Advocacy, information and support for you and your family/whānau.
    Budgeting and help with debt
    Budgeting services help you and your whānau look after your money and give you advice on spending, saving and managing debt.
    Income support

    We provide income support in the following ways: 

    • Benefits for people unable to support themselves
    • Allowances for people on low-to-middle incomes
    • Superannuation for people who are aged 65 years or more
    • Pensions for ex-service people
    Accommodation and housing support
    Accommodation and housing support services can help you find and access suitable accommodation or housing.
    Food support
    Food support services provide food support to people experiencing hardship. This may include food parcels, food banks and social supermarkets.


    We provide a free service. 

    Age groups

    • Adult / Pakeke
    • Older adult / Kaumātua

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us

    Disability Assistance

    • Provision for wheelchair access