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Waihopai Hauora Trust

On this page

    Waihopai Hauora is a Social Service based in Invercargill. We provide a suite of services mandated and non-mandated for family harm, Whānau Ora Navigation, Employment Services, and Youth Services.

    Services Provided

    Abuse and violence support

    We provide support including mandated and non-mandated service provision for victims, and those indirectly impacted by family violence or sexual harm. 

    Service types

    • Information and support
    • Referral to specialist services
    • Victim support
    Stopping violence services

    We provide support including mandated and non-mandated service provision for perpetrators of family violence or sexual harm. 

    Sexual harm victims/survivors - Do you need help and support?
    Specialist support for victims and survivors of sexual harm.

    Service types

    • Kaupapa Māori
    Harmful sexual behaviour
    Harmful sexual behaviour services provide specialist support for people who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviour or who have concerning sexual behaviour.

    Our community connector provides support to individuals and whānau so they can access information and services in the community and across government agencies.

    Employment support

    We have an Employment Connector and Employment Placement Officer who get people work ready and place people into work, or full time training. We have Maori Cultural Pastoral care for additional apprenticeship support for the apprentice and their whanau.

    Kaupapa Māori
    Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

    This is a service accessed by young people who are entering adulthood and have been in the care of Oranga Tamariki and meet the criteria for this service. The Transition worker supports young people into adult independence.

    Social work

    Whānau Ora - Whānau support over a range of areas for whānau members individually and as a whole.

    Whanau Resilience - A programme which offers support to the wider Whanau and Youth impacted by family violence. 

    COVID Community Connection Service

    The Community Connectors support the welfare needs of individuals and whānau to keep them safe while isolating at home / in the community. Community Connectors navigate and connect individuals and whānau to various services available during and in transition from self-isolation. 

    Age groups

    • Youth / Rangatahi
    • Adult / Pakeke
    • Older adult / Kaumātua

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us
    • Make an appointment
    • Referral
    • Walk in

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free

    Disability Assistance

    • Provision for wheelchair access
    • Provision for longer appointment time
    • Provision of spacious environment for mobility