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Pacific Trust Otago

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    Pacific Trust Otago (PTO) is a charitable organisation supporting the Otago Pacific community

    Pacific Trust Otago (PTO) was formed in 1999 and, in 2002, registered as a charitable organisation to support the Pacific community of Otago. The primary focus of the Trust is to connect with our Otago Pacific community to offer support, activities, information and advice. Services provided include  health, education and social services.

    PTO promotes services to Pacific people to access health, education and social services.

    The organisation has a governing body of representatives from seven ethnic groups from the Pacific islands.

    The organisation is evolving from a small health provider to an organisation where social enterprise and business development within the Pacific community are growing. 

    The long term goal is to increase our connections with Pacific communities as well as other agencies and providers in Otago.



    Services Provided


    Immunisation is the safest and most effective way to provide protection for you and your tamariki’s health. For more information view the NZ immunisation schedule.

    Service types

    • Adult flu vaccine
    • Child flu vaccine
    • Childhood immunisation programme
    • Measles / Mumps / Rubella (MMR) vaccine
    • Diphtheria / Tetanus / Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine
    • Pregnancy vaccinations
    • 65 year old vaccinations
    • 45 year old vaccinations
    • Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
    • Meningococcal vaccine
    • Shingles vaccine
    • Privately funded vaccinations
    • Catch-up missed vaccinations
    • COVID-19 vaccination and boosters
    Community health services
    • Well Child Tamariki Ora - our nurses provide health advice and information for mothers and babies from six weeks after birth.  
    • Health Link
    • Sports Activities
    • Research
    Social enterprise services

    We actively seek to partner with other organisations for funding, skills, knowledge and information to support our services.

    • Pacific Pods partner - we are in partnership with four Dunedin businesses to develop a housing project for the Pacific Islands. The project is also supported by local Pacific people who have invested in the housing project.
    Pacific People
    Pasifika services providing community health and/or social support with a focus on health and wellbeing for Pacific peoples.
    Kaupapa Māori
    Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.
    Whānau Ora

    We work in partnership with Pasifika Futures Ltd to support families and individuals make positive life changes through access to advice, planning and financial support. Our Whānau Navigators work on a face to face basis with people to provide solutions for the challenges many of them face daily.

    Advocacy services can support you or work on your behalf when you are accessing health or social services. This can include listening to your concerns, talking through options with you and coming with you to appointments.
    Food support
    Food support services provide food support to people experiencing hardship. This may include food parcels, food banks and social supermarkets.
    Social and group activities

    Seniors group - seniors socialise every Friday with exercises, music, information and lunch with other Pacific people in a Pacific setting. The University of Otago School of Physiotherapy students provide support and advice for the seniors to maintain wellbeing.​

    Education and training
    • Pacific secondary students scholarships
    • Breakaway
    • Rotai playgroup - parents and children meet once a week during the school term in a playgroup situation to socialise and play to learn.​ The group also arranges excursions to the many sites around Dunedin.
    • Students immersion - in collaboration with the University of Otago Health Sciences / Pacific Division, medical students are offered the opportunity to be hosted by Pacific families in Dunedin for a weekend of cultural and social activities as part of their medical studies.​


    Our services are free to access for New Zealand residents

    Age groups

    • Child / Tamariki
    • Youth / Rangatahi
    • Adult / Pakeke
    • Older adult / Kaumātua

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free