Gore Hospital Services
Gore Hospital has 16 inpatient beds for acute medical, and assessment, treatment and rehabilitation for our patients. We have around 800 admissions a year to our inpatient area.
We also have a 24/7 Emergency Department that is equipped with a modern High Dependency Unit (HDU) for severe trauma and critically ill patients. The HDU has full resuscitation facilities and patients can be stabilised in this unit and are often transferred to the ward or to another hospital for specialist intervention.
Gore Hospital offers a wide range of services to their patients including:
- 24 hour / 7 day Emergency Department
- Inpatient and outpatient services, including public and private clinics
- Maternity
- Mobile Surgical Services
See below for more information on all services.
Services Provided
The Health Information Privacy Code (1994) has been developed essentially for health agencies and their consumers and has strict guidelines with regard to your privacy and our obligations to assist you in protecting your privacy while you are a patient at Gore Hospital.
The Code covers how healthcare providers should collect, record, store and disclose an individual's health information. The code also allows that health providers can share your information with other agencies as appropriate. Only authorised people entitled to view the information in the course of providing and evaluating services to the patient shall have access to individual health records. For more information on the Health Information Privacy Code visit the Privacy Commissioner website at: www.privacy.org.nz.
Information obtained by staff at Gore Hospital about you is held in strictest confidence and is used for your ongoing healthcare.
If you feel your privacy has been breached in any way you can contact the Chief Executive, Gore Hospital, or the Privacy Commissioner.
- Contact: Chief Executive, Gore Hospital Ph: (03) 2093030
- Privacy Commissioner Ph: 0800 803 909
Access To Personal Medical Records
All patients have the right of access to their own personal medical records. Information shall be made available to a patient upon request unless a reason exists under the Health Information Privacy Code (1994) for withholding it. Patients can inspect their health record and are entitled to request a copy of all of it, or a selected part of it.
To ensure records are provided to authorised people only, we may ask for the identity of the person making the request to be verified. It is acceptable for a patient to request or authorise another person to access their records on their behalf. A written authority is required.
Please write to, or contact, Medical Records, Gore Hospital, P O Box 274 Gore 9740, if you wish to view or have copies of your records. If you are an inpatient and wish to view your medical records, please ask the nursing or medical staff.
Release of Information
As a patient, you can if you wish to do so, request that no information is released about you or your presence in hospital. Please do not hesitate to discuss with your nurse if you do not want any information released.