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Brought to you by Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora – Southern and WellSouth primary health network

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Elder Abuse Helpline

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    Elder Abuse helpline connects you with registered nurses who can advise with information and support about elder abuse.

    This year as many as one in ten older people in New Zealand will experience some kind of elder abuse. The majority of cases will go unreported.

    Types of elder abuse:

    • Psychological Abuse - ridicule or threats, harassment or humiliation, preventing choice or decision-making, withholding affection.
    • Financial Abuse - unauthorised taking of money or possessions, misuse of power of attorney, failure to repay loans, use of home and/or utilities without contributing to costs, scams that rely on establishing a relationship with the older person with the intention of exploiting their savings and/or assets, e.g. romance scams.
    • Physical Abuse - hitting, pushing, rough handling, over-medication, inappropriate use of restraints or confinement.
    • Neglect - inadequate food, clothing or shelter, lack of social contact or support, health needs not attended to.
    • Sexual Abuse - inappropriate touching, sexual acts with someone unable to give consent.
    • Institutional Abuse - lack of respect for a person’s culture or customs, inappropriate rationing of continence products, inflexible routines e.g. breakfast at 8 am in the dining room.

    Available free 24/7 by calling 0800 EA NOT OK (0800 32 668 65), text 5032  or email


    Services Provided

    Abuse and violence support
    Abuse and violence support services provide support to individuals and whānau who are impacted by abuse, violence or family harm.
    Elder abuse
    Elder abuse services support older people/kaumātua who have experienced harm or abuse.


    No fees apply.

    Age groups

    • Older adult / Kaumātua

    How do I access this service?

    • Contact us

    Fees and Charges Categorisation

    • Free