SDHB COVID-19 Daily Update 18 Feb 22
We have implemented this daily COVID-19 media release to update case numbers and inform the media and public of the situation across the Southern region.
Total New Cases | Total Cases | |
Southern District | 69 | 222 |
Central Otago | 0 | 1 |
Clutha | 0 | 0 |
Dunedin | 26 | 41 |
Gore | 0 | 5 |
Invercargill | 3 | 6 |
Queenstown-Lakes | 37 | 160 |
Southland | 1 | 6 |
Waitaki | 2 | 3 |
Please note, the Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO.
Close contacts
As of 1pm Friday 18 February there are 158 close contacts isolating throughout the Southern district. 67 of these are in the Queenstown-Lakes district and 74 are in Dunedin.
Close contact numbers have decreased in the last two days as New Zealand has move into phase two of our Omicron outbreak. Phase two targets high risk exposure events and classifies close contacts and exposure events using different criteria to phase one. Information about the different phases and how classification differs can be found on the Ministry of Health website.
Hospital services
Planned care at our hospitals (elective operations and procedures) will continue as planned. As an extra layer of protection for patients and staff, a COVID-19 test will be required 48-72 hours prior to surgery. This can be conducted at any community testing centre. Patients will be contacted by their Planned Care Team if they will require a swab for their procedure.
Change to hospital visiting hours
From Monday 21 February all hospitals in the Southern district will have a change in visiting hours.
These hours will be:
2pm – 6 pm, 7 days a week
Please plan to visit your family, whānau and friends within this timeframe.
We have put additional safeguards in place at our hospital to protect our patients and staff. Visitors are required to wear medical masks and other PPE as required. Visitors with mask exemptions are not able to enter our hospitals.
Patients in our wards may have a maximum of two registered visitors during their entire admission. Only one of the registered visitors may visit each day. Exceptions may be made in time-sensitive palliative care situations and/or when people need interpreters or other equity-related support.
One support person, who has been screened and approved by the relevant area, may attend outpatient appointments and ambulatory care (walk-ins).
Maternity services: Where there is no suspicion of COVID-19 contact or symptoms for either the patient or support person, one key support person (one partner OR one birthing partner) can accompany patients into the assessment room and birthing suite. Detailed information is available on the Southern Health website.
Moving to digital notifications
As New Zealand moves into phase 2 of our COVID-19 response we are collectively moving towards digital solutions to contact tracing and self-isolation. Text message notifications to inform someone they have been identified as a case started yesterday afternoon. If you receive a text message, then please click on the link provided and fill your information into the form. This will put you into the system used by the Southern district and New Zealand, for monitoring and follow up. Best of all, the data used is free.
Community Support
COVID-19 is now in our community and we understand this will cause some disruption. It may also be making you, or those around you, feel anxious, upset or frustrated.
The Southern District Health Board is well-prepared for COVID-19 and so is our community. Most of us are double-vaccinated and boosted.
We are now in Phase Two of the Omicron response plan, whilst still at the 'Red' traffic light setting.
Phase Two targets support to where it's most needed, to protect the most vulnerable in our community and those most at risk of becoming seriously ill, as well as limiting the impact on our health system, critical infrastructure and workforces.
Nationally, our approach has shifted from trying to ‘stamp it out’ to 'slowing the spread'.
What do I need to do?
If you have any symptoms (no matter how mild) get a test and stay at home until you get the result
Please only get a test if you are symptomatic; or have been at a location of interest at the specified time and are a close contact; or have been asked to by Public Health
Get your booster (or get vaccinated) if you’re eligible and haven’t already
Make sure you wear your mask
Scan in with your QR codes everywhere you go
Physically distance, wash/sanitise your hands, and keep up good hygiene measures.
Make sure you have your personal plan ready and prepare your household if you are required to isolate at home. More information about creating a plan is available here.
What do I do if I test positive?
If you test positive for COVID-19 from 17 February, you will receive a positive test result notification via text message. This also provides a link to a new online contact tracing form.
This form enables you to provide information on:
further symptoms that may have developed
details of your household contacts
instructions on how to share your NZ Covid Tracer diary and Bluetooth data
details of any high-risk locations and close contacts
additional health questions that help identify any support that you and your family may require
any personal welfare needs
It takes approximately 30 minutes to complete the form. If the form is not completed within 24 hours, you will receive a follow up call from a Public Health staff member.
If you do not have a mobile phone, you will be contacted via your landline or email. There may be a delay in calls being made to cases and close contacts but all efforts are being made to reduce any lag time.
What happens if I need to isolate at home?
Most people with COVID-19 are likely to have a mild to moderate illness and be able to fully recover in their own home.
Everyone who tests positive for COVID-19, those who live with them, and their close contacts will need to isolate at home or other suitable accommodation to help stop the spread of the virus.
The period of self-isolation for people who test positive to COVID-19 is ten days for household contacts and seven for close contacts. You should self-isolate until you are told you no longer need to do so by a public health official.
If you become seriously unwell while isolating at home, you will receive hospital care.
Who can I call if I need assistance?
COVID Healthline on 0800 358 5453, WellSouth on 0800 VIRUS19 (0800 847 8719) or your GP. Please call 111 immediately if you or a household member become seriously unwell or have trouble breathing or feel faint or dizzy at any stage.
If you are isolating and need support, you can call the COVID Welfare Phone Line on 0800 512 337. It’s open seven days a week.
Please check here for some useful wellbeing links (including self-help tools for young people).
There are also National helplines which you can call or text:
Free call or text 1737 to speak with a trained counsellor any time of the day or night
Youthline: 0800 376633. Free text 234 or email
Lifeline: 0800 543 354 or text “help” to 4357. This 24/7 helpline has qualified counsellors and trained volunteers
Plunket Line: 0800 933 922. A free 24/7 parent helpline and advice service available to all families, whānau and caregivers. Calls are also free from mobile phones
What’s up?: 0800 942 8787. This is a free 7 day/week nationwide, confidential counselling helpline for children and young people.
Family Drug Support Aotearoa New Zealand: 0800 337877. This is a nationwide phone support service 9am-10pm, 7 days per week.
National Anxiety Helpline: 0800 269 4389 (0800 ANXIETY) A free 24/7 help line with trained volunteers
Samaritans: 0800 726 666. A free 24/7 help line operated by volunteers to support those experiencing everything from loneliness to despair
Where can I find out more information?
Remember to be kind to yourself and our community.
Kia kaha - we've got this.
Locations of interest
High risk locations of interest can be found on the Ministry of Health website. There may be some delay to these locations going up.
We now have widespread community spread of Omicron COVID-19 infections in our communities. Please be aware that anywhere you go you may put you at risk of contracting COVID-19 so please take all the precautions that you can; scan QR codes, wear your mask, practice good hand hygiene and maintain physical distancing where possible.
Individual case enquiries
For privacy reasons, the SDHB does not share personal information about people who have tested positive for COVID-19 unless there are compelling public health reasons to do so. This includes the number of close contacts associated with exposure events
Reducing your exposure to COVID-19
Now that we have COVID-19 circulating in our communities, we are all at risk of being exposed. At all times practice good hygiene, especially when you are socialising. Get your booster, wear your mask, wash your hands, and keep physically distant from others. These actions will slow the spread and help flatten the curve. If you develop cold or flu like symptoms, please isolate and get tested for COVID-19 immediately.
If you have symptoms or have been at a location of interest and have been advised to get tested, please get tested and stay home until you receive a negative test result. Otherwise, you do not need to get tested. It is important that we ensure people who are symptomatic or have been asked to get tested are able to do so.
Due to our district’s geography, transporting swabs to the appropriate laboratory for testing may take some time – please be patient in waiting for your results.
Testing locations can be found on the WellSouth website.
Key contacts
For media questions about COVID-19 case numbers and vaccination, contact SDHB:
For media questions about COVID-19 testing and case monitoring in the community, contact WellSouth:
Please note: the next daily media update will be Monday 21 February
Media enquiries: Southern District Health Board Communications,