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SDHB COVID-19 Daily Update 01 March 2022

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We have implemented this daily COVID-19 media release to update case numbers and inform the media and public of the situation across the Southern region.  
Key Messages 

  • At 11.59 pm on Thursday 24 February New Zealand moved to phase 3 of our Omicron response. Please visit the Ministry of Health website for more information about the phase 3 response.
  • Please only get tested if you have symptoms or are a household contact of a confirmed case. We need to ensure those who are symptomatic, or a household contact, get access to testing. 
  • If you test positive on a RAT test you do not need to have that confirmed by PCR – you are a case. Please update your My COVID Record with your result. Call 0800 222 478 if you need any support to do this.
  • If you receive a text notification that you are positive, please do the online survey in the link you receive in the text message as soon as possible. This will ensure you can receive the appropriate care and support when you need it. Please be aware that, after filling in your My COVID Record with your positive RAT result, there can be a 24 hour delay before you receive this text message. 
  • Make sure you and your family have a plan to self-isolate or care for vulnerable family members in case this is needed. Start to have these conversations now – before you need to have them.  

Be prepared to self-manage your isolation period 
If you or a member of your household tests positive for COVID-19 you will need to isolate for at least 10 days while you recover. Start counting your 10 days from day 0. Day 0 is the day that you got tested. 
During this time, unless you are very sick, you will need to self-manage your isolation as much as possible. This could mean ordering groceries or food online, asking friends and whānau to drop off any medication you may need on the doorstep, and generally looking after yourself like you would if you had the flu or a cold. All while staying at home and isolating until your household has fully recovered from COVID-19.  
There are many supports in place for any household that is isolating. 
If you have any questions about COVID-19, self-isolation, or what you need to do if you test positive, please call Healthline on 0800 358 5453
If you are self-isolating and require welfare support such as help getting groceries, please call 0800 512 337. This is for everyone, not just people already on a benefit.  
The best way to access the care and support that you and your household need is by filling out the form in the text message you receive after uploading your positive RAT result into your My COVID Record. Please do not delay filling out the form when you received the text message. If you need help uploading your positive RAT result into My COVID Record, call 0800 222 478.  
Family and whānau support – does your family have a plan?  
If a member of your family gets diagnosed with COVID-19, are you ready and prepared to isolate at home for 10 days or more? If a vulnerable member of your family needs in-home support and due to staff sickness there isn't anyone available to care for them, do you have a plan in place to support them for a few days?  
Now is the time to have these discussions with your family, whānau, friends and support networks. Don't wait till you or someone you care about is unwell or requiring immediate support. Talk with your community, support workers, family and neighbours now.  
Together we can all help each other to stay safe, healthy and supported in our communities. 
For more information about preparing and staying safe please visit the Unite against COVID-19 website.
If you have any questions about COVID-19, self-isolation, or what you need to do if you test positive, please call Healthline on 0800 358 5453
If you are self-isolating and require well fare support such as help getting groceries, please call 0800 512 337
The Ministry of Health total figures for Southern for the previous 24 hours are: 
•    529 new positive cases  
•    4820 total active cases  

Current cases as of 11.59pm 28 February 2022    
  New – Positive (PCR & RAT) Active Cases
Central Otago 15 105
Clutha 5 55
Dunedin 318 3273
Gore 15 45
Invercargill 30 245
Queenstown-Lakes 94 867
Southland 20 105
Waitaki 30 120
Unknown <5  

Please note, the Ministry of Health’s daily reported cases may differ slightly from those reported at a DHB or local public health unit level. This is because of different reporting cut off times and the assignment of cases between regions, for example when a case is tested outside their usual region of residence. Total numbers will always be the formal daily case tally as reported to the WHO. 
Due to the increased used use of RATs and system lag issues there may be a discrepancy in the number of total active cases from the territorial authority break down breakdown. 
A decision has been made nationally that areas with less than 5 new cases per 24 hour period will be reported as “<5”. We are unable to supply further information. Please contact the Ministry of Health directly for more information about this decision.  
Testing locations can be found on the WellSouth website
For information specific to COVID-19 in the Southern region and to find your nearest testing centre please call WellSouth on 0800 VIRUS19 (0800 847 8719). 
If you have concerns about COVID-19 symptoms, please call your general practice or Healthline on 0800 358 5453 at any time. If you are very unwell or having breathing difficulties, please call 111 immediately.  
Key media contacts