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Public Meeting on the location of primary birthing facilities

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The Southern District Health Board, with the support of the Central Lakes Locality Network is inviting members of the Central Otago and Wanaka communities to a Public Meeting on the location of primary birthing facilities in Central Otago/Wanaka.

The meeting will be held on Thursday 23 July, from 4pm, at Cromwell Presbyterian Church, 10 Elspeth Street, Cromwell, and is the next step in public consultation.

The Southern District Health Board and Central Lakes Locality Network will share feedback received from the public consultation so far, and present possible options around the configuration of maternity services in the area for people to consider.

Mary Cleary Lyons, General Manager, Primary and Population Health, Southern DHB said the consultation began in early February, and 300 submissions had been received to date.  She thanked submitters for making the time to participate and share their thoughts.

The work was put on hold during the COVID crisis, as everyone was deployed to helping with the public health response.

“We are now back on track and are working on options that we look forward to sharing with the community on 23 July.

“We encourage members of the community to come along and participate in this next important step for delivering improved primary maternity services to Central Otago and Wanaka,” she said.