Progress on new Queenstown Lakes/Central Otago crisis support service
Work on the new Queenstown Lakes and Central Otago crisis support service is progressing well and Te Whatu Ora Southern is now at the stage of seeking a Request for Proposal (RFP) from interested parties to operate the service.
The new service, with a respite care facility and outreach support, is expected to be in place by the end of the year. It will sit alongside the current 24/7 crisis response service for the region, providing more pathways for people who would otherwise need to be admitted to acute inpatient mental health services.
Options include qualified staff monitoring a person in crisis in their own home with appropriate supports in place tailored to meet their needs or providing short-term care in a new respite facility (location TBC).
The new localised model of care is based on recommendations from the 2021 Southern District Health Board-commissioned Time For Change - Te Hurihanga review. The plan has been developed by clinicians, iwi, primary health providers, community agencies, NGOs, tangata whaiora (people seeking wellbeing), whānau and government agencies who worked together to design the services.
The goal is to enable local people to access local services in their local community. It has been centred around building whānau connection, support and involvement while adhering to the values of Te Whare Tapa Wha: physical, spiritual, family and mental health.
The RFP closes on 21 July and more details will be shared once the applications have been worked through.