Pop-up surveillance testing for COVID-19 in Gore, 04 September
Gore Health, Hokonui Rūnanga, Gore District Council, WellSouth primary health network and Southern DHB are providing
COVID-19 swabbing at a one day ‘pop-up’ surveillance testing site.
The drive-through testing centre will be at Ordsal Street, near the Hands of Fame statue, in Gore on Friday 04 September, 10am to 4pm.
“Anyone can and should get tested – you don’t need to have symptoms,” says Karl Metzler, CEO, Gore Health. “It only takes a few minutes to have the test done and it’s free.”
This pop-up surveillance site in Gore is part of ongoing surveillance testing in the South and around the country that is happening over the next couple of weeks. Previously, there’s been surveillance testing elsewhere in Southern including in Queenstown, at ports, a number of marae and some large employers.
Southern DHB Medical Officer of Health Dr Susan Jack says testing asymptomatic people in the community is an important part of ensuring the district continues to be free of COVID-19.
“We remain at Alert Level 2 and there are currently no cases of COVID-19 or community transmission in the district,” she says. “Pop up testing sites help us to continue to ensure this is the case – particularly as people are moving around the country more.”
Wendy Findlay, WellSouth Director of Nursing, says: “This drive-through, pop-up testing site helps make COVID-19 testing convenient and accessible. We strongly encourage anyone in Gore who wants a COVID-19 test to come along be tested.”
Testing available in general practice
Testing continues to be available for people with symptoms at general practices throughout the Southern region. Anyone wanting testing should call their GP or 0800 VIRUS19 (0800 847-8719) to be referred for testing. Testing is free and available seven days a week.
What to know about COVID-19 testing:
- COVID testing is free for everyone, regardless of citizenship or visa status.
- Information is not shared for immigration related or other enforcement purposes.
- You don’t need to be enrolled with a doctor or general practice to be tested.
- You don’t need to self-isolate (But if you are unwell, stay home until you are symptom-free - just as you should when you have a cold.)
- You do need to provide contact details – usually a phone number – so you can be informed of your test results.
More Health Information
Call Healthline free on 0800 611 116 for advice about any health issues. And for COVID-19 specific enquiries – call 0800 358 5453 (or for international SIMs +64 9 358 5453)
Call 0800 Virsu19 for more information on where to get tested.
Or check https://www.southernhealth.nz/COVID-19 for general practices and designated practices that are testing for COVID. (COVID-19 is free, regardless of where you are tested.)
The latest case definition and testing guidance for COVID-19 from the Ministry of Health can be found here.