Health precautions still required at Level 1
Southern DHB’s Medical Officer of Health, Dr Susan Jack is acknowledging the Government’s move to Alert Level 1 outside Auckland but is urging Southerners to maintain important health and hygiene precautions.
“While a move to Alert Level 1 for Southern from 11.59pm tonight is welcome news for businesses and allows greater individual freedoms, from a public health perspective maintaining the basics is still important.
“A reminder to everyone living in or visiting the Southern district – if you have cold or flu symptoms you should get tested. COVID testing is free and available seven days a week. Call your GP or 0800VIRUS19 to be referred for a test. You do not need to self-isolate after a test, but you should stay home until you are symptom-free.
“Hand hygiene, physical distancing, and appropriate mask use remain simple yet important ways to keep yourself and the community safe by slowing the spread of any potential COVID-19 transmission.
“We have seen both here in New Zealand and overseas that the situation can change very quickly, so we need to maintain our good habits even though we are going down an alert level.”
Dr Jack said that while the move would not impact the day-to-day operations of hospitals throughout the Southern District, people who were unwell must not visit others in hospital.
“We still require visitors and staff to use the COVID tracing app, or hard copy sign-in sheets when entering Southern DHB facilities, and to use the hand sanitiser provided. Screening and physical distancing will continue in Emergency Departments and waiting rooms.
“We thank everyone for their continued co-operation and support of our staff, as they work to look after patients and the wider Southern community,” she said.