Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal raises $75,712 for Otago children
Christmas came early when a cheque for $75,712 raised by the Countdown Kids 2019 Hospital Appeal, was presented to Southern DHB children’s services (Dunedin Hospital). Both Countdown and Southern DHB staff attended the cheque presentation this morning at Countdown Central in Dunedin.
“This is a fantastic amount raised, we’re really grateful for the continuing generosity of Countdown staff for their efforts and the support we have from the local community,” says Juliet Manning, Charge Nurse Manager NICU.
“The donation helps enhance the service provision for children. It really benefits the children using our services and their families and whanau.”
The money raised will help purchase items from the hospital’s wish list including iPads, emergency cart, ISTAT blood analyser, children’s cot, thermometers, resuscitairre, maternity chairs and recliners. Equipment will be distributed across areas in the hospital where babies and children receive care including the Emergency Department, Children’s ward and Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
The Appeal is Countdown’s annual national fundraising activity to raise money to support the purchase of additional equipment for 11 hospitals across New Zealand. Hundreds of fundraising events, organised by Countdown team members, suppliers and district health boards, were held over three months between August and October. Locally, these included bake sales and selling cheese rolls, quiz nights and raffle.
Southern District Health Board has greatly benefited from the Countdown Kids Hospital Appeal over the last 13 years with $1,319,017 donated to the Dunedin hospital by Countdown and its customers during this time. Next year Countdown is going to be working on a new initiative focused around feeding children from under-privileged communities around New Zealand. “While we're sad to see the Appeal end, we've forged strong relationships with the Countdown team and look forward to continuing these,” says Karin Drummond, Southern DHB General Manager Medicine, Women’s & Children’s Health.
For further information, please contact:
Southern DHB Communications Advisor Pauline Chin
027 555 2837 or email: