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Postgraduate Nursing Education Funding

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Welcome to Postgraduate education for Registered Nurses program.

Postgraduate Nursing Education Funding Application round for study in 2025 opens on Sunday 1st September until Tuesday 1st October 2024. 

Each region throughout New Zealand have responsibility for identifying and prioritising funding for postgraduate training needs for all registered nurses within their district who are employed by health and disability services funded by the Ministry of Health.

The graduate nurse represents the future of the nursing profession and as such we believe you should have the opportunity to develop your professional and practice roles in a supportive environment that model's excellence in nursing practice, leadership, professionalism and best practice principles.

The purpose of these pages is to provide information relating to funding and support available for nursing postgraduate study.

Assisting key stakeholders in postgraduate education to be well informed and assist the decision-making process around postgraduate study is a key focus. 

Key stakeholders include:

  • Registered Nurses considering postgraduate study

  • Nursing Leadership

  • Health providers

  • Line Managers

  • Educators

Postgraduate Nursing information is current at the time of issue.  All efforts will be made to publicise significant changes to processes as they occur at the earliest possible time.

Information and Promotional Resources 

Postgraduate Nursing Tertiary Provider's Expo's for the 2025 academic year to be held:

Monday 2nd September 11:30-3:00pm at Dunedin Hospital (Fraser Conference Rooms, 1st Floor, Fraser Building)
Tuesday 3rd September 11:30am-3:00pm at Southland Hospital (Corridor outside staff café)

There will be representatives from multiple training providers, as well as the Administrator and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Nursing Education Office in attendance. You will be able to discuss study plans, and pick up copies of the Postgraduate Nursing Information Booklet

Application Round for 2025 Funding: 

Application period for 2025 funding is open Sunday 1st September until Tuesday 1st October 2024

Funding Documents

Investment Information: 

Funding Reimbursement Claim Forms:


Contact Details

Kylie Legg
PGNE Administrator 
03 4709673 or extn 59673

Postal Address:
PG Nursing Education Office c/o- Practice Development Unit (Otago)
First Floor Fraser Building, Cumberland Street, Dunedin
Box 20, Dunedin Hospital
Private Bag 1921, DUNEDIN 9054