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Female fertility: fundamentally faithful yet frequently fickle

Event date:

Inaugural Professorial Lecture - Professor Greg Anderson

Greg’s research group’s interests are focused on the regulation of fertility by hormones such as leptin and insulin that provide the brain with information about the body’s nutritional status, and on the effects of a recently discovered group of brain cells called RFRP neurons on fertility and stress responses (such as anxiety). 

Beyond their focused basic research projects, their ‘big picture’ goal is the development of new and improved treatments for infertility and anxiety-related disorders; both of which are unseen conditions experienced by a large proportion of modern societies. 

For example, they are currently developing drugs that combat the anxiety-promoting effects of RFRP neurons. 

The Anderson Research Group is based in the Department of Anatomy and forms one of the laboratories that make up the University of Otago’s Centre for Neuroendocrinology.


Streaming information for Professor Greg Anderson's IPL

This event will be live-streamed, from 5:25pm Tuesday 16 April 2019, at the following web address:

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-45.865781, 170.5145765

University of Otago
Archway 1 Lecture Theatre
Union St East
Dunedin 9058
New Zealand